Routine Finder


Normal Skin does not lend itself to “perfect” skin but instead toward a well-balanced or maintained skin. Normal skin can still go through stages of oiliness, dryness, dehydration and the odd few spots here and there. These skin types like any still need to be supported with good daily habits from an early age if they are to remain radiant and looking healthy well into our later years. These skin types can also still be triggered both internally and externally and create conditions such as dermatitis, adult acne etc. Remember that stress along with internal and external toxicity does not discriminate and can affect us all at any given time. Below is a guideline of how and when to begin including TDC skincare into your daily routine.

These guidelines are for “normal “skin types. If you are experiencing any skin issues at an earlier age please refer to the skin types and conditions information relevant to your skin condition.